JA - John Adams
JA stands for John Adams
Here you will find, what does JA stand for in Popular under Community category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate John Adams? John Adams can be abbreviated as JA What does JA stand for? JA stands for John Adams. What does John Adams mean?John Adams is an expansion of JA
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Alternative definitions of JA
- Javascript Alert
- Janco
- Jump If Above
- Japan Agriculture
- Jewelers Of America
- Just Another
- Junior Achievement
View 70 other definitions of JA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- JACBNY Job Access Center of Bronx, New York
- JACC Junior Achievement of the Central Carolinas
- JACC/CP joint airborne communications center/command post
- JACCC joint airlift coordination and control cell
- JACCE Joint Air Component Coordination Element
- JACC/CP joint airborne command center/command post
- JACD Joe Armstrong Creative Design
- JACE Java Application Control Engine
- JACEE Japanese-American Cooperative Emulsion Experiment
- JACF Junior Achievement of Central Florida
- JACFAID Joint Active Force Against AIDS and Infectious Diseases
- JACG Joint Aeronautical Commanders Group
- JACG-IPT joint aeronautical commander group integrated product team
- JACH Joliet Area Community Hospice
- JACI Junior Achievement of Central Indiana
- JACIG Joint Arms Control Implementation Group
- JACK Jack Audio Connection Kit
- JACKIE Jaqueline
- JACKPOT nickname for joint airborne command center/command post